Arkansas Renal Group - Camden

Part of the Arkansas Renal Group family of providers.

The Camden office for Arkansas Renal Group, P.A. is located at 1114 Washington, N.W. in Camden behind First Bank of South Arkansas and adjoining DaVita Ouachita Valley Dialysis*.

To speak with someone about scheduling an appointment, please call Hot Springs Diagnostic Associates in Hot Springs: 501-321-9803

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* Please Note: Arkansas Nephrology Services is not affiliated with DaVita Ashley Dialysis or Ashley County Medical Center.

Arkansas Renal Group Camden

1114 Washington, N.W.
Camden, AR 71701

To Schedule Appointments:

Hot Springs Diagnostic Associates

115 Wrights St
Hot Springs, AR 71913
(501) 321-9803
FAX (501) 321-0710
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